An Apple For The Teacher

Of course our horses teach us how to ride.  They teach us what it feels like to pick our bodies up off the ground, and start again (I think that’s called humility).  They teach us more than you can ever imagine.

They teach us the Fruits Of The Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control.

They teach us responsibility.  They teach us everything we have to learn about riding, and being a horseman/woman.  Actually, they teach us about how to be better human beings.  They are usually good listeners.  They share the joy of God’s creation.  There are no people more in touch with life, and the outdoors, than horse people.  Most horse people are very spiritual.  Why?  Because we are in touch with something greater than we are.

We are taught about a herd mentality.  We are taught about a survival instinct because of their prey status, and fight or flight instinct.  As we watch them gallop across a field we are taught to celebrate life everyday.  The only thing they worry about is where, and when the next meal is coming from, and if they are in a safe place.  Boy, with all the stress in our lives wouldn’t we be better off with that attitude.  Yes we have to make plans, but we don’t have to stress over them.

But here’s a news flash.  They are sent as teachers to teach us about ourselves.

Our dogs, being predators, are in tune to our energy and body language.  Our horses being prey animals, are looking at the same thing only more so.  Our animals are mirrors of us.  Think about what you don’t like about your horse, or other people for that matter.   What would you like to change if you could.  Now think about yourself.  Do you, perhaps, have the same problems or qualities.  Do they withhold the last inch of themselves?  Do you?  Do they stress and worry?  Do you?  Are they sometimes grouchy?  Are you?  Do they sometimes not want to be caught when you are late?  What kind of energy did you walk in with?  What are they trying to show you?

But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you.  Job 12:7

Just take the time to seek and learn what they are trying to teach you.  About yourself.  You may be surprised at what they want to show you.  Honestly, you really may not like what you see, but take heart, you can make changes, and corrections.  After all, that’s what teachers are for.

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