Happy Feet

There is an old saying –

For the want of a nail, a shoe was lost.

For the want of a shoe, the horse was lost.

For the want of a horse, a soldier was lost.

For the want of a soldier, the battle was lost.

For the want of a battle, the war was lost.

For the want of a war, the country was lost.

All because of a dumb old nail.  Does this tell you how important a horses feet can be?  If we have sore feet we can just sit down and put our feet up.  They can’t.  A horse off his feet for too long can compromise his internal organs and various systems.  They have to carry their weight, and shifting or carrying more weight on one side can cause problems in their joints and skeletal system.

Their feet are at the mercy of the footing they have to stand on, and more than that, the care the feet are given.  Most of the country has just come through the seasons of snow, ice, and mud.  Here in Florida we are coming into our rainy season with a lot of dew in the mornings and rainy afternoons, add heat and moisture, and you have conditions that are not good for feet.  With hot and cold, wet and dry, you have expansion, contraction, fungus, and bacteria.

Pay attention to their feet.  It’s easier to prevent than cure.  Yes it may take a couple of extra minutes to clean their feet out each time, and possibly treat for prevention, but it takes a whole lot longer to medicate and cure, and not be able to use a horse that’s in pain.

Consult your vet or farrier for the best treatment for your particular ground conditions and your special horses feet.

Healthy Feet are Happy Feet.

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