It’s Just Plain Gross

This is just something that has been bothering me for years, and it still grosses me out when I think about it.  So easy to avoid, and so horrible not to.

There was a horse that had gotten down in its stall and bashed its head against the wall.  It was left untreated and the flies laid eggs in it.  By the time someone noticed it, the maggots had gotten into the sinus cavities, and under the remaining meat and skin.  It was the most horrific thing I had ever seen.  Yes you could say, neglect, abuse, and basically it was.  I was asked to help with treating this poor creature.  We treated her for a week or two and thought we were getting somewhere.

That’s not my point.  My point is simply that with a little cleaning of the wound, and the proper treatment this did not have to happen.

If your horse gets a wound, treat it.  Don’t think, oh I’ll do it later, or tomorrow, or it will heal.

Every time a see maggots on some dead thing I think of that poor horse and the horrible stench from the rotting flesh.  If you’re wondering if the horse made it, no she didn’t.  She got down in the stall again and bashed her head up more and they put her down.

So in memory of this poor animal, don’t let it happen to another.  It can happen fast in the heat, and bugs of summer.

Be a responsible horse owner and “Just Do It.”   Now!

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