We’re Rounding The Far Turn

Not so much here in Florida, but summer is half over, and fall is coming into view.

Oh those beautiful crisp mornings to take your horse out for a romp.  They are slowly approaching.

Now is the time to think about what will need to be done.  Yes it’s my yearly wakeup call.

While the days are still hot, and hopefully dry, get those winter blankets out.  Dislodge all the bugs and rodents who have taken up residence, and get them washed and hung out to dry.  (The blankets, not the bugs and rodents.)  Let them dry in the beautiful fresh air and sunshine before the weather turns cold.  You don’t want to be cold and wet doing this sort of job.  I hate when that happens.  You still have plenty of time to send them out for repair, or do it yourself.  This needs to be done before everyone and their brother sends their stuff in, and you are stuck trying to put your husbands thermal underwear over that shaved neck, and your brand new comforter strapped around their bodies with duct tape.  Don’t ask me how I know this.

It’s still too early to worry about the other winter preparations, but blankets need a little more time.

Posts like this one are more of a reminder to me, rather than anyone else.  Although I am getting better, I do have a habit of waiting until the last minute.  When it’s in the 90’s I certainly don’t mind using the pressure washer on blankets.  It really feels good when the breeze blows the mist back on me.  Not so much when the temperature starts to drop.  I did move to Florida for a reason.  No blood = always cold.

Just make sure you put the clean blankets somewhere where the previous occupants don’t move in again.  I’ve never known a bug or rodent to send a note to housekeeping and say, “thank you for cleaning my apartment.”  They are just so ungrateful.

But most of all, enjoy the rest of your summer.  Winter will be here way to soon.

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