What Really Sunk The Titanic?

There are always programs about the Titanic.  What a magnificent ship.  The money, the opulence.  A life style no longer in existence.  Even sitting on the bottom of the ocean, she is still a regal lady, a class act.

Oh of course we know that an Iceberg gouged out the side of her hull, but amazingly what really sunk her was “Ego.”  The ego of the men who built her into the ship that couldn’t be sunk.  Life boats, nah we don’t need them, she’s not going to sink.  Let’s run her full-out so we break a record getting to New York.  Icebergs, don’t worry about them, we have a strong hull, and water tight bulkheads (that never went to the ceiling, duh.)  Well how did that work out for you?  All those male egos went down with the ship, along with a bunch of innocent people who just wanted to start a new life.

What???, you say.  Surely you must be thinking that I’ve lost my mind, and what does this have to do with horses.  Everything.

I will admit that men have more of a problem with the “Old Male Ego” thing than woman, but not by much lately.  Yes all the wars are started by the “Male Ego.”  I want more land, more control, more power, more importance, more……  I want to rule the world.

Woman want bigger and better.  They have to out-do the neighbors.  But as opposed to war, we do lunch.

Bottom line is that it all comes back to ego.  So much involved with such a small word.

So how does this relate to our horses?  When they are the catalyst for acquiring our power, and helping to lift our ego up onto that pedestal.  When they become the means to the end, without any concern for them.

We are in a disposable society.  If it’s broke, throw it away and buy a new one.  We are not talking toasters here.  We are talking living breathing animals.  You can’t just throw them on the side, and not do the best you can for them.  You can’t just go out, and replace them with another model. Without knowing what is wrong, and fixing this one first.  Give it a chance at a healthy life, maybe in a different profession.  Just because you have a bunch of them, doesn’t mean that the one injured one doesn’t matter.

Where is the conscience, and the compassion of some people?  What has this world come to?

God gave us dominion over the animals, for care and protection.  Not abuse and neglect.

Do you know how many dogs and cats are sitting in shelters because they are unwanted?  Horses, especially young unbroken foals, that are unwanted?  Truthfully, I’m afraid to even mention the elderly that are sitting alone in nursing homes or hospitals, and the children that are sitting in orphanages, and on streets, that are unwanted.

This world is becoming a very scary place.  We should all be very afraid for the future, and of the egos of those in charge.

Be responsible, don’t breed, rescue; and call on the carpet those who don’t care for God’s creation.

Double check where your ego has been lately.  Are you really better than anyone else, or is that only in your mind.  And truly, what are the consequences of your actions?

What is the Titanic in your life?

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