Who’s On First

Now that’s really showing my age, the old Abbott and Costello routine.  It still amazes me when I hear it.  But truly, who’s on first between you and your horse?

When we were hunting up north, we’d come in totally frozen.  All we wanted to do was to get into some place warm and get something hot to drink in our bodies.  When we come in, down here in Florida, we’re all normally overheated.  You want something cool to drink, and to take off as many pieces of clothing that is legally possible.  But before we did anything for ourselves, our horses would be totally taken care of.

Who comes first in your partnership?  Your horse of course.  Before your own comforts your horse should always come first.  He/she has served you well and their needs should come above your own.  They can’t take care of their own needs, so it all depends on the caregiver, you.  Of course here in Florida, I always recommend removing your helmet to let the heat out and to drink some water first or you will pass out, and be of no use to your horse.

Up north, in the winter, we’d take the saddle off and put a blanket over their backs to keep their kidneys warm, check legs, liniment and wrap if needed.  In the heat we take the saddle off and get some cool water on their bodies, as soon as possible, to bring down their body temperature (don’t forget to scrape the excess water off, or it becomes a hot bath instead).  In either case, when their body temperature, pulse, and respiration return to normal, offer water, some hay, or pasture.  Make sure all their needs are met before your own.

Now it doesn’t matter if you were hunting, showing, or just trail riding.  Once all your horses needs have been taken care of, go in and take care of your own.  You will both be more comfortable knowing that all is well.

Take care of your horse first, and your horse will take care of you.

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