Monthly Archives: February 2020

We All Know This, But Why?

We all know things about horses that we just accept, but we don’t totally understand why. More important than that, we don’t really care what is behind what we believe.

I’ve repeated this quote a million times, as most of you have, but we never look into the dynamics of it. I truly still don’t know or understand it, but I do know it’s true.

“There’s nothing so good for the inside of man as the outside of a horse.” In my reading today it says that British Statesman Lord Palmerston is quoted as saying that. I always thought that Winston Churchill had said it. He probably did along with millions of others.

My reading goes on to tell about a father who was concerned about his daughters disheartening semester at college, and a friend who invited her to come and just “brush a horse.” This changed her focus and brought peace to her. She then proceeded to go back to school the next day, relaxed and ready for a fresh start. I’ve done this several times and it really works.

Now we all know that to be true for us. But actually therapists have discovered in treating those struggling with addictions, emotional disorders, physical disabilities and depression for this to really work. “There is something about the nonjudgmental demeanor of a horse that layers a salve of peace on the soul.” My friend Nancy has known this for years, and totally loves working with horses and people.

Having dinner with my friend he said that his son was looking for a name for his practice. (If I’ve told you this before, I’m sorry. I’m old. I tell Bob the same thing over and over again. Usually because I feel it’s important for him to know and remember, and I’m old and senile.) So we were all goofing and coming up with silly names. So I came up with “Loose Horses.” We as horse people, know how they just run wild with no destination in mind when they escape. It’s just one big game of “you can’t catch me.” Well the next day my friend called me and said that his son loved the name and was going to use it. I was only kidding, but he felt that being in Texas, in cattle country, that people would love it. So the name of his practice is Loose Horses Psychiatry. His sign has a horse rearing with a dove above it. People love the name and tell him all the time how appropriate it is. He uses animals to help with his therapy sessions. He’s got quite a number of different animals on his property now. People just bring him animals and tell him that their animal would be perfect to help people. He had to put a stop to the incoming. I think he has more animals than clients.

I’m having dinner with his parents on Monday and I’ll have to tell him that his son needs that quote in the office.

I know that all the contents of this post I’ve mentioned before, but it still baffles me as to why it works. I guess it really doesn’t matter, it just does.

Why? What is it about a horse, just being a horse, that can cause such a big change in us?

A dear friend has a son that is a psychiatrist. He was in the army and dealt with PTSD. He has now moved into a private practice in Texas. One night at dinner


Why? Why do some people just accept things without questioning why?

My horse is losing weight. Why not ask why? My horse is dropping grain. Why? My horses feet are always sore. Why? My horse is not shedding. My horse is shedding too much. My horse won’t walk in his stall at night. My horse won’t turn to the right. My horse won’t pick up his left lead.

You get the picture, but people just accept that it’s the way their horse is. WHY????!!!!

Oh my farrier is great. Really??? Why does your horse still have sore feet. Maybe because he trimmed him too short, or maybe because he took down his sole too much. Maybe he placed the nail in the wrong place again. Maybe your horse is standing on wet ground and his feet are rotting off. Hello! Is anybody home???

There are numerous answers to all these questions. Some may be simple and some may need some deep investigation to find out the answers, but there are answers.

As time passes we look at our animals and think, well they are just getting older. Maybe they are, but is there something we can do to help them ease the pain. Is there an underlying problem that we could treat but just never looked into it enough. Do we like our vet or our farrier and don’t want to change or hurt their feelings, but let’s get real, our horse is suffering because of it.

People amaze me. I hear things and just shake my head. What I would like to say is “What are you thinking?” They are not new to horses, but somewhere around the block they have lost all of their thought process.

Of course you always have the people who are told what to do, but just don’t listen to the people who are trying to help them.

If any of the above questions hit a nerve, find out why, and then do something about it.

Fact Or Fiction

When I was in Middle School (we called it Junior High back then), I worked in the Library. There was a Fiction section and a non-Fiction section. Now that never made sense to me. Why name one section False, and the other Not False? How about True and Make Believe? Whatever.

Paranoia is setting in here in Florida, and for that matter, many of the surrounding states. Horse slaughter has gotten everyone crazy. Oh it’s a fact, but now our imaginations are making us a nervous wreck.

People have always stopped by the wayside to let their little children look at the nice horsey. Now they are being met with a shot gun. People are buying expensive security cameras and other means of protection. We’re worried for our horses and now our dogs. One persons horse came in with a strange rope around it’s neck and her dogs with some holes in their bodies.

I must say that the county Sheriffs are taking more note of what’s going on, and now they are paying more attention to our outcries. They have asked people to take pictures and license plate numbers, and to report any suspicious activity.

In Tennessee someones horses came in all sliced up. Turned out it was a bunch of wild boars who messed with their horses. However, people have found strange ropes and lead lines, even in their barns.

There is a site on Facebook named “Keeping Florida’s Horses Safe.” People post photos and information of vehicles and people that they have caught on their property or surveying their property and horses. We, the horse people, are out there sharing information about what’s going on. It’s just a matter of time before someone is going to get shot.

There was a very informative article in the Tampa Bay Times. Thank you Jack Evans.

We need to be careful. Not only in protecting our horses but keeping ourselves, and others safe. I have Eagle watchers who come and sit on the road, taking pictures of the Eagles. They have been doing this for years, but now I’m uneasy about this too. I spoke to them the other day. It’s been the same woman for years. Now I’ve seen and older man with a beard. They don’t look like the type that would butcher a horse, but in this day and age, you just never know. I told her and her husband what was going on. She had no idea. She told me she would let her group know and warn them. She asked what she should do. I told her to speak with the neighbors and let them know who she was and what they were doing. They keep track of nests, the number of eagles and new babies. She was very appreciative of my suggestions and letting her know the problems we, as horse owners, were facing. She also was horrified at what has been going on.

So how do you separate Fact from Fiction? Who’s the bad guy and who is the person just letting their little children look at the horses? Why do we even have to deal with a situation like this? Originally it was just one or two men who were slaughtering and selling the horse meat in Miami. Now we are having several men and a woman being reported. We have pictures from security cameras, but no one can say who they are. This is not an isolated incident, it’s a ring of people.

How careful do we have to be? If we cry “wolf” too often are the local police still going to come? If we take these people out, will more follow? Our horses are not safe in the field or in the barn. What’s next?