You see signs in front of people’s properties down here that say “Happy Fall Y’all.” Well I’m borrowing it for today.
Now you may wonder how we know it’s fall here in Florida. Some folks go up to Georgia and The Carolina’s for the fall colors, but if you really look around, you can see small amounts of color right here, and there’s also the temperature drop. Not to mention the hairy horses that are walking around sweating. We rake leaves in the spring, so no leaf raking to take up our riding time.
Our temps today will be in the 70’s, perfect riding weather. Wind chills in N.Y. and N.J. (where I come from) will be in the single digits. I remember those days, and am glad I live here. I do feel bad for the people in the parade. How do the Rockettes do their routine in those skimpy outfits. I don’t care how fast you dance, it’s cold. The balloons may not fly because of the winds. That’s so sad.
Lost track of what day it was with the holiday week, but the meaning is still there. We need to be thankful for what we have. Now-a-days we focus so much on what we don’t have.
Horse people seem to be more thankful for what they have. We have the unconditional love from our animals. We have the time we spend with them out in Gods beautiful creation. We are in touch with the seasons, like most people can never experience. We have our friends and family who share our passion, and understand how much this all means to us. We have the peace that comes from just being in physical contact with the most beautiful, majestic animals on earth. Not just to be partners, but be able to become one with them.
No we can’t invite them in to share our Thanksgiving turkey with us, but we can go to the barn and share the carrots, apples, and other goodies at their Thanksgiving table.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and don’t forget your fur babies (I know you won’t).