Monthly Archives: March 2020

Ye Ole Medicine Cabinet

When I was a teenager and had the wonderful opportunity of growing up at a huge old barn, we had a 5 ft high medicine cabinet. Nothing was in original bottles, and nothing was really marked. You were sent to get something and you had to determine what it was by smell. We were always told NOT to put it directly under our noses, but to sniff it from far away passing it back and forth. Half the stuff you looked at and wondered what it was in it’s first life. I remember looking for Bigeloil in a very big hurry one day, and put a bottle right up to my nose. I love the smell of Bigeloil, but I almost got knocked on my butt when I put a bottle of ammonia up close and personal and took a big whiff. Since that day I never have done that again. I cleared my sinus’s, my eyes teared like Niagara Falls, and my brain went on high alert. When I was a kid, Bigeloil was used for everything from a liniment for rubbing sore muscles or swelling, to a mouth wash. I can still hear “apply a little, rub a lot.” You wanted to stimulate the blood circulation.

Medicine cabinets are a big part of a barn. With horses, cats, and dogs forever getting into trouble, we have a huge supply of first aid supplies and medications. I try to keep labels on everything, but when something is used a lot, the labels have a way of peeling off or the writing becomes smeared. If I’m using spray bottles I try to have different colored bottles or sprayers to help me know what I am grabbing when I’m in a hurry. Yellow is Show Sheen, Green is fly spray for the barn use on horses, blue means fly spray to be kept in the horse trailer, and red is usually liniment.

Every so many years I go through the cabinet and purge old supplies. However, there are things I’ll keep just in case. There are products that we don’t use often. They may lose some of their effect, but any port in a storm, until you can get a fresh supply. I also go over prescription stuff with my vet every so often in regards to expirations.

How many times has Bob said to me, “do we have gauze pads in the house?” I’ll say no, but I’ll go to the barn and get some. His reply is “yeah, everything is in the barn.” I gave up on medical tape years ago, masking tape works just as well and we have that all over the place.

So here we come to Covid-19. Hand Sanitizer is not available anywhere. So being a horse person, raised in the good ole days, I go into Dr. Pol mode for old fashioned remedies, and look on the internet for homemade recipes for hand sanitizer. Two thirds Isopropyl Alcohol 70%, 1/3 Aloe gel, and a few drops of Tea Tree Oil (if you wish). No problem, I’ll go out to the barn. Sure enough everything is there. You’d be amazed at what you will find in the back of a medicine cabinet or under your counter. I knew I was out of Alcohol in the house because I make my homemade recipe for swimmers ear medicine. One teaspoon of alcohol, one teaspoon of white vinegar, few drops of olive oil (to make it smooth, but I don’t use it anymore). If you get itchy ears, it works great. If it burns, you have fungus, if not, you were fine to begin with. A couple of applications and you’re good to go. I learned this from my pharmacist. I called one Saturday night just before closing and asked him if he had any swimmers ear medicine, Bob was in need. He said yes but they were closing, but if I had the alcohol, white vinegar, and olive oil at home, I could mix up a batch and start right away. I did and we’ve used it ever since.

Sometimes the vet will say, would you by chance have ….., and I can usually say, wait, yes I do.

So take stock in what you have lurking in the back of your cabinets, keep it in the back of your minds, and one day you will be able to say “wait, let me go to the barn.”

Stay safe, make wise decisions.

So Here I Sit

So here I sit trying to figure out just what to write about. This whole Covid-19 thing has upset so many events. Horse Shows are cancelled, training events are cancelled, and even the Kentucky Derby is cancelled. Well everything isn’t actually cancelled, just postponed. Life as we know it is on hold. It’s amazing, we have all this time and really can’t do anything exciting. We can ride locally, but a lot of the parks are closing too. Beaches are closed so no swimming the horses.

But there is something we can do and that’s deal with all the hair that’s coming off our horses.

Now we’ve been in the 80’s for weeks. Several of the older horses have way too much hair. They are sweating and are getting skin rot. Especially the one Cushings horse. She’s a grey and usually she just deals with dew poisoning. Surprise! What a mess.

My friends up in Michigan are sending me pictures of the snow they got yesterday. I’ll deal with 80 and skin rot any day.

One thing I did do the other day was to make sure that all my feeding, medications, and shot records were up to date. If I come down with this crud, I want whoever comes in to feed, to know exactly what everyone gets.

Went grocery shopping today and there was hardly anything on the shelves. Seriously, what are people thinking. But the good news is that I went to the feed store and their warehouse was loaded. So instead of Cheerios I might be having sweet feed with my milk in the morning soon.

But it is spring, and “Hope Springs Eternal.” So soon the horses will shed out, the season of mud will pass, just in time for the season of biting things, and hot weather.

Someone told me today that they are talking about this Covid-19 thing lasting for 6 months. People are crazy now, I don’t want to see 6 months from now. For those who have their horses in their yards, you are blessed. For those that are boarding at barns that are closed down, this too shall pass.

If you can ride, go for it. If you can’t, start making plans on how to improve both you and your horse. Watch some training videos and ride and feel your horse in your mind, then when the time comes, apply it.

We are horse people. We get bucked off, pick ourselves up out of the dirt, mud, or snow, and get back on. We can do this.

Stay away from people, they are either sick or crazy. A horse is always your best bet, include your dogs and cats too. Speaking of which, people are dumping their dogs and cats. It’s a sick world out there in more ways than just the Covid-19.

Ketchup – Really???!!!

Well with everything crazy in the world, Bob and I decided to go boating today (it’s in the upper 80’s and sunny here). We saw people out riding their bikes, motorcycles, riding their horses. They say don’t be in crowds so this is the perfect opportunity to ride.

Friends were talking about where they would like to ride, if given the chance. One of my neighbors said that if they close the Skyway Bridge, at the mouth of Tampa Bay, she wants to ride over that. I don’t even like to drive over that.

My one friend asked on the Internet “Why Toilet Paper?” Why has everyone made a run on Toilet Paper? I have no idea. We prepare for Hurricanes and we run out of water and plywood, but toilet paper? Never.

World has gone crazy I guess. You want to hear crazy?? Two women fighting over a bottle of Ketchup at Wal-Mart. One woman gets so made she grabs a bottle of wine, smashes it and stabs the other woman. Now that is crazy. It’s only a bottle of ketchup for pete’s sake.

We horse people are blessed. We walk out to the barn, put our hands on our horses, and get the peace beyond all understanding. All the worlds troubles and craziness is gone. We get on their backs and we fly like Eagles, nothing can touch us. We stroll through the woods, or the fields, and it’s simply magical. All the chaos of the world is gone, it’s just us; my horse and I. Wasn’t that a Broadway Musical?? Oh no, wait, that was The King and I. Same difference.

Most people will never have the pleasure of the peace we feel when we are with our horses. If more people had horses, psychiatrists would be out of business.

At least this is giving us something else to be concerned about, but the safety of our horses is still lurking in the backs of our minds. A bunch of us on the Internet are praying between Noon and 1:00 p.m. everyday for the safety of our horses from these butchers, please feel free to join us.

God did not give us a spirit of fear (or we wouldn’t ride horses), just please make wise decisions and stay safe from this virus. This too shall pass. (Not soon enough)

I Wish We Could Tell Our Horses This

Saw this quote “And I whispered to the horse – trust no man in whose eyes you do not see yourself reflected as an equal.” Don Vincenzo Geobbe Circa 1700.

I have two dogs that do not trust anyone. However a fear bitter is the worse form of aggression. At this point in time I wish my horses didn’t trust anyone. We still have horses being slaughtered, not only in Florida but other states too.

But let’s think about the quote. If a person doesn’t look you in the eyes, don’t trust them. They are up to no good.

You can tell a lot about a person or a horse by looking in their eyes. You can see fear or trust. Peace or panic. They can look in your eyes and see love, kindness, or aggression.

Have you ever just stood there and gazed into your horses eyes. Recently there have been studies done saying that horses can read your facial expressions. I somehow believe they read more through our energy and tension than our facial expressions. But eye contact, or lack there of, can make a big difference.

Cesar Millan always says when approaching a strange dog, “no touch, no talk, no eye contact.” To a dog it may be threatening. I think it’s more our body language that’s threatening with a horse.

To me, when I stand there and make complete eye contact with my horse, I feel it go straight to my soul. It goes deep and softens both our energies. I usually follow it with a gentle placing of my hand on her. We both relax and enjoy the moment of closeness. Becoming one spirit.

Spend time just looking into your horses eyes. Who do you see? Are you equal partners or is someone dominant?