So Here I Sit

So here I sit trying to figure out just what to write about. This whole Covid-19 thing has upset so many events. Horse Shows are cancelled, training events are cancelled, and even the Kentucky Derby is cancelled. Well everything isn’t actually cancelled, just postponed. Life as we know it is on hold. It’s amazing, we have all this time and really can’t do anything exciting. We can ride locally, but a lot of the parks are closing too. Beaches are closed so no swimming the horses.

But there is something we can do and that’s deal with all the hair that’s coming off our horses.

Now we’ve been in the 80’s for weeks. Several of the older horses have way too much hair. They are sweating and are getting skin rot. Especially the one Cushings horse. She’s a grey and usually she just deals with dew poisoning. Surprise! What a mess.

My friends up in Michigan are sending me pictures of the snow they got yesterday. I’ll deal with 80 and skin rot any day.

One thing I did do the other day was to make sure that all my feeding, medications, and shot records were up to date. If I come down with this crud, I want whoever comes in to feed, to know exactly what everyone gets.

Went grocery shopping today and there was hardly anything on the shelves. Seriously, what are people thinking. But the good news is that I went to the feed store and their warehouse was loaded. So instead of Cheerios I might be having sweet feed with my milk in the morning soon.

But it is spring, and “Hope Springs Eternal.” So soon the horses will shed out, the season of mud will pass, just in time for the season of biting things, and hot weather.

Someone told me today that they are talking about this Covid-19 thing lasting for 6 months. People are crazy now, I don’t want to see 6 months from now. For those who have their horses in their yards, you are blessed. For those that are boarding at barns that are closed down, this too shall pass.

If you can ride, go for it. If you can’t, start making plans on how to improve both you and your horse. Watch some training videos and ride and feel your horse in your mind, then when the time comes, apply it.

We are horse people. We get bucked off, pick ourselves up out of the dirt, mud, or snow, and get back on. We can do this.

Stay away from people, they are either sick or crazy. A horse is always your best bet, include your dogs and cats too. Speaking of which, people are dumping their dogs and cats. It’s a sick world out there in more ways than just the Covid-19.

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