My brain is more like aged cheese as opposed to fine wine. It’s kind of green and moldy. This brings me to writing things down. I never had a great memory, but now it’s out to lunch. Extended lunches. All day lunches. Lunches that last until dinner. You get the picture.
I don’t like to say that I’m an “A” personality. I don’t like to say I’m A.D.D. I would like to be organized and get everything I plan to do done in the same day, but I’m also a realist. It’s just not happening. So I make lists and keep charts. I write down notes (if I could only find them when I need them), and try to keep my life organized.
A new boarder came in and I noticed on the Welcome Packet that where it asks about the horses shot dates, it was empty. What do you mean you have no idea when your horse had her shots???? She knew exactly, to the teaspoon, what her horse was getting to eat, but had no idea if and when her horse had shots. To me, especially here in Florida, we need to keep these things current, and know when they are due.
I cannot retain what day it is, so I keep a chart on shots, worming, Coggins alongside the horses name. If someone asks, or I’m making an appointment with the vet, I just reach down and pull up my little chart and everything is right there in front of me.
If you only have one or two horses, or if all your horses are on the same schedule, it’s easy to remember. When you have horses coming and going, you need all the help you can get to remember who got what when.
I try to keep them all on the same schedule, but with boarders and lay-ups that come and go, it’s impossible.
If I should die for any reason, whoever walks in here can look at the board in the feed room and know exactly what each horse gets to eat. If they look at my clip board they know who is due for what and when. No brainer, yup that’s me, thank you very much.