I know there was a book out, and a movie with that name. I don’t remember what it was really about, but I feel like I belong to the Dead Horseman’s Society.
When I was younger, there was integrity, and professional courtesy. Now like everything else in the world, there is no such thing. It’s every man for himself and too bad for the next guy.
It saddens me to see the way the industry is going. But it’s not only the big shows, and organizations. It’s now just neighbors, messing with other neighbors. What’s worse is that they brag about it. Seriously?
The simple backyard shows were disappearing, but now seem to be making a comeback. The fact that everyone sued everyone put a stop to a lot of the small shows. No one could afford the insurance. The children and new riders suffer. The shows have become so expensive that you have to offer your firstborn in order to be able to participate. And in order to qualify, you must have a certain trainer, board at a certain barn, and of course, buy your horse from certain people. When I was a kid you didn’t need any of that. You got a horse (usually with no specific breeding) paid your entry fee and rode in Madison Square Garden. You could ride against all the top name competitors. You didn’t have to spend mega bucks to qualify. Look at “Snowman.” He came off a killer truck. That was the era I grew up in. Of course horses back then didn’t cost the money they command today. But they were still pricey for the take home pay of the time. There are so many horses, just like Snowman, sitting in killer pens, or rescues, just waiting for a chance to be great. And there are so many great riders who will never have the chance, because they can’t afford it.
Yes I lament about the way things used to be, just like all the other “Old Timers”, but maybe it’s time that we took a few steps backward and grasp on to the old before it disappears forever.
Don’t be a Dead Poet and just go along with things. Rise and shine and make a difference.