Dodged the bullet on that storm. Good thing.
You’ve heard of the Land of Oz, the Land of Milk and Honey, well we live in the Land of F.O.R.D.
Now I’m not talking about the car/truck company, I’m talking about the Land of Fix Or Repair Daily.
As horse people we know all about that life style.
I know I’ve told you about when Bob and I bought our first farm together. Now I grew up with horses and knew the deal. He believed that once he finished the barn that he would never have to go back there again. (This was before he got involved with horses.) I, of course, laughed at him and said “You don’t know horses.” The next day he came home from work and I showed him the half dutch door that one of the little beauties removed from the hinges. Well to this day he can’t believe what they can destroy in a matter of minutes.
He has not sat idle since his back surgery. The doctor said at last weeks visit “I have a feeling you are doing more than you should.” Ya think??!!! We have a horse farm, enough said. He still (there’s that word again) comes home and says “Well what’s new around the farm?” Translation – What did the little angels destroy now?
As horse people we can all appreciate this. If you don’t keep after it, the repairs can really pile up. With everything getting so expensive, boards, wire, even nails, it takes it’s toll on the bottom line, and that’s not to mention hay, grain, medications, and all the other necessities.
You’ve just got to think about it as just part of the job. It goes along with the damage they do to their bodies. You just accept it and go on.
So in that Fairy Tale Land of F.O.R.D. there is no way around it, just smile and nod, and see what they can get into tomorrow. After all, they will never stop amazing us.