What If You Fly?

Thank you all for your encouragement.  I’ve thought about not writing anymore, that it really didn’t matter.  That I really didn’t have anything important to say, but you all prove me wrong in my thinking.  Some are long time friends, some I have never met.  Even if I only touch one or two with my thoughts, I’ve accomplished my goal.  I’m not out to change the world, just connect with one person at a time.

I’m computer challenged and that goes for Facebook too.  My friend challenged me to post a Bible verse everyday for 8 days.  Well my intentions were good but I didn’t know how to copy and paste so I just wrote it on her post.  That’s not how it was supposed to work.  I usually just repost things my friends send me on Facebook.  I get Likes and comments back.  What I repost are usually horse related, or just cute things that make you smile.

Yesterday I reposted one from my neighbor.  It was simple.  Just the face of a horse with a bridle.  I have never had so many personal comments sent back to me on how this simple, one sentence post, touched them.  I’ll post it here and then tell you about the notes I received back from my friends.

With the face of a horse in the background    –   “What if I fall?”  “Oh but my darling, What if you fly?”

So many people wrote back telling me of their memories of horses that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, that gave them the sense of flying.  The freedom they experienced.  Many of the horses they told about I remembered.  Some I never knew.  Some were jumpers, some barrel raced,  some just galloped across the ground.  But each gave them the feeling of oneness, of flight.

I remembered the first time I jumped, I was hooked.  Then the first time I Fox Hunted, sign me up.  I wanted to do that for the rest of my life.  Just gallop and jump myself into oblivion.  The first time I galloped wide open for miles on a coyote run, just myself and the Huntsman.  The adrenalin rush that can’t be explained.  You felt like your horse had wings, his feet never touched the ground.

Have you ever had this experience?  The horse inviting you in his dance?  The two of you becoming one?  That one special horse that you will never forget and will always be apart of your soul?

Yes, with horses, there is always the chance that you will fall, but there is a greater chance that you will “Fly”.  Seize the moment, enjoy the experience, you will never be the same.

Trust me.


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