Are You Ready?

It seems that we had no spring, and now what has happened to fall?  Both in the north and south we’ve seemed to bounce from winter to summer, and now, summer to winter.  Strange year.

BUT are you ready?

We all enjoy the spring and fall weather for riding.  In the fall bugs, heat and humidity are gone, and the snow, ice, and mud have not gotten here yet.  Just the opposite for spring riding.

So are you mentally and physically prepared for the change of time on November 4th, and what is to follow?  Are your blankets cleaned and repaired.  Clips oiled and ready for freezing temps?  Water heaters poised and ready for action?

I’ve just stocked up on hay to get me through to spring when we get our pastures back.  From everyone I’ve talked to, it’s going to be a hard time to find hay this year.  With all the rains this summer, no one has been able to get into the pastures to cut, cure, and bale.  This cuts down on the amount of hay that will be available.  I know down here we get at least three, sometimes up to five cuttings.  They just did their first cutting a month ago and they should be getting another one around now.  With the rain, everything grew well, but was let go to seed because of not being able to cut and dry before baling, and the same thing holds true for the northern states.  My friend just told me of her neighbor up in N.J. who had two separate farms bring her hay and when she opened the bales they were moldy.  So on her recent trip to Va. she purchased hay and her horse wouldn’t eat that either because it had mold.  The two local loads she sent back, the one from Va. she spread out in a back field.  It’s like spreading money on you fields.  Hay is going to be hard to get, and if you get it, probably expensive.

Please be aware of the hay you are getting.  Even if it looks good on the outside, watch the hay as you put it out and make sure it’s good on the inside.  You might want to stick your hand in the middle of the bale (not an easy task) and check for wetness or heat.  If there is just a little dust, shake it out, or spray it with water, but look out for that mold.

Be informed and get everything in order, then go and enjoy the cooler temps, and bug-less time of year.

Happy Halloween y’all.

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