Just Breath

Isn’t that from a Country Western Song? Seems to me it was or is.

I’ve explained how much continuing to breath when riding is so important. It relaxes your muscles and you horse in turn.

Found this quote this week on Facebook. Considering I don’t spend that much time on Facebook, I must be receiving the right posts.

“Let a horse whisper in you ear and breath on your heart. You will never regret it.”

Now some people might say that the worst thing they ever did was getting involved with horses. LOL. Some of my lesson parents, years ago, complained about the expense. They should only see it now. But I guess it’s no more expensive than all the other sports. But how would I know. Or maybe it is. It all depends on how deep you get into it. Prices I hear now-a-days simply blow my mind. $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 for a horse and a decent saddle could cost you $5,000.00 or more. When I was a teenager it cost me $100.00 for my horse and $125.00 for my saddle. I still have the saddle, but the horse has been gone 35 years. That’s almost as long as she was on this earth. She was 36 when I put her down.

Speaking with a young girl a couple of weeks ago, I was telling her – once you get that special feeling, it will grab you, and never go away. Oh yes there are people who get into it for a little while, and then move on. There are teenage girls who are totally into it, but then find boys and leave the horses behind. Then there are people like us, who it becomes a part of who we are, a part of the tapestry of our lives.

I’ve never met a person, who has been touched, (even for a short while) that ever said they regretted it. They all found something special with their time with horses. A different perspective, a form of relaxation, stress release, getting in touch with nature, or maybe just ones self. But there is something magical that happens between humans and horses. Something totally unexplainable. It’s like those movies with a young girl and a unicorn, just pure magic.

It’s something we can’t explain and really don’t find the need to. Just enjoy it. Let a horse breath on your heart every chance you get, you will never regret it.

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