Last Call

I have a love hate relationship with my computer.  I guess most people do.  When they work they are the greatest thing in the world.  When they don’t……….

Didn’t have time to prepare what I would have liked to, but this is on my mind so I’ll go with it.

The beautiful fall days are here.  Some further along than others. Great riding weather after the long hot summer.  But are you ready for what comes next?  Are the blankets washed and repaired?  Are all your other winter preparations done or in the process, or even thought of.  We always say “Well I’ll get to that next week”, and that was three weeks ago.  I’m just as bad.  I only cleaned my blankets three weeks ago.  But down here it’s not that much of a rush.  No matter where you live you coast along thinking you have more time than you do and Bam!!! the temps drop and the snow arrives.  Winters have been unpredictable the last few years.  Sometimes you get to Christmas and wish it would be colder so you could get in the spirit and other times you have snow before Thanksgiving.  You just never know.

So take the time today to think of your pre-winter to do list and get a move on it.  Winter will be here before you know it.

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