Merry Christmas!

Okay, I forgot it was Wednesday and didn’t post this first thing in the morning.  Just so much going on and time is running out.

Well in a couple of days it will be Christmas.  Hopefully all the shopping is done and the presents are wrapped.  Now you can sit back relax and enjoy the “Reason for the Season.”  The Nativity, The Christ child.  The lights, the music, the memories.  The new memories that are being made as we speak, parties, and the gift of love.

Most of the country has been blanketed by snow and has been in a deep freeze.  A “White Christmas” has always been dreamed of, but this is pushing the envelope a little too much.

As we have been having 80 degree days and 60’s at night I really find it hard to relate, but last night I was remembering as I walked in from the barn.  I was remembering the 20 degree or below nights when I would have my horses double blanketed (they were shaved) locked in the barn with plenty of hay and bedding.  The stillness in the barn as the wind outside would be howling.  But mostly I remember them contentedly munching hay.  It is the most soothing, peaceful sound in the world.  As cold as it was, I would stand there and just listen and absorb the peaceful beauty around me.  Knowing that my babies were tucked in for the night and safe.  What was sad was that so many weren’t.

Please keep an eye out for horses that are starving and have no water available.  Don’t hesitate to call and report anything you see.  It will be checked out and the animals will be helped, not necessarily taken away.  Sometimes people just get themselves in a bad situation.  They believe that things will turn around soon, but in the mean time the horses starve.  There is help out there, but they need to know about the problem.

Remember, the first Christmas started in a stable, filled with hay in a manger, and animals.  Not much in our lives has changed.

Let us bring the gift of love and caring to both people and animals this Christmas and in return you may be blessed by others. That is my Christmas Wish for you.

Merry Christmas from me to all of you.

One thought on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Louise Boisvert

    MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and Bob. You brought back great memories. The howling wind especially (does not do that here in Florida) and yes the soothing sound of muching hay.
    Thank you for reminding me of these great memories.
    God bless, Louise


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