Next Stop Christmas

Oh my! Missed Wednesday.

Well we’re down to the wire.  My shopping is done, but I haven’t finished the decorating yet.  Actually I haven’t started.

So much happening this time of year.  Parties, Cantatas, Children’s Christmas Program, Bon Fires.  Yes we’re big on large contained fires here in Florida.  No special reason, just have one and people will come.  It’s just another reason for a gathering.

So for a Christmas present, for a person who has everything plus, my husband has decided to restain the inside of the barn.  Sounds simple enough.  If you want to know what color it is you can look at the concrete in my barn isleway, several bales of hay, one of the Catahoulas, and Bob’s hands.  Bob really likes to get involved with his work, and the dogs like to help.  Now, of course, when you stain the barn all the hardware has to come off to be painted black enamel.  Well that was fine until all the horses had to come in the other day for a storm.  Oh my!  At least all the horses and their body parts are not a beautiful shade of the wood around them.  It would be like who can find Waldo?

It’s a job that needed to be done for the last couple of years,but we couldn’t decide on a color. However, it’s hard to decorate the stalls when they are still wet.  It’s harder to know what to do with the sheets, blankets, and halters.  Putting them away is a priority.  Otherwise, the dogs will carry them off to Never Never Land, yup, never to be seen again, at least not in one piece.  It’s so rewarding to find the two Catahoulas playing tug of ware and it’s your new favorite sheet in the middle.  Actually I’ve been really faithful about putting the sheets and blankets where they can’t reach them, but Bob’s flannel shirt was not that lucky.  Larry the Cable guy would love the sleeveless look, Bob not so much.

I may get the outside decorated, but the inside, I’m not sure.  The stockings will have to be hung on their pasture gates this year.  It will make it easier for Santa to fill.  He won’t even have to get out of his sleigh.

A lot of people down here have “Salt Life” on their trucks and cars.  Why don’t they have stickers for windows that say “Barn Life.”  We all spend more time in the barn than they spend in or on the water.  We spend more time at the barn than pretty much anywhere else.  But it’s our preference.  I’ve always been very proud of the idea that Jesus was born in a stable, and placed in a feed manger.  We have a lot in common when you think about it.  How simple is that.

Will I go out to the barn at Midnight to see if the animals bow?  I don’t think so.  I know in my heart that they all worship the creator in their own way.  I think I’ll just stay inside and watch the fire place, or perhaps just close my eyes and dream of a White Christmas.

Have a Merry Blessed Christmas to all people and animals alike.

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