So What Day Is It Anyway?

Woke up this morning thinking, I have to post my insanity. Then I realized I missed Wednesday and it’s Thursday. Oh my!

This Covid thing is making people crazy in so many ways. It hasn’t changed my life much at all. Other than not going to church on Sundays (now we watch it on Facebook Live) and not getting to the dentist or eye doctor, nothings changed. When all your time is spent on the farm, except for going for feed and food, things are pretty much the same.

I feel so sorry for people who are stuck in apartments. Walking from room to room, especially if you live alone. I just heard that every dog has been adopted in Palm Beach County. The first time ever that there are no dogs in the shelter. But, they still have two cats, two horses and a pig that need a home. I just hope that all these people who have adopted these dogs don’t dump them when this pandemic is over.

This has a profound effect on horse people. For those who are blessed to have them at home, you can still go out and touch your babies. Many horse people aren’t allowed to visit their horses. Barns are closed. Some barns will allow you to make an appointment to stop by at a given time. Who could have ever believed that life could be like this.

Most horse people believe their horses are their therapy. It’s what keeps us grounded, gives us pleasure, and they don’t judge us when we cry on their shoulders. This is truly a necessary trip. Right up there with food, fuel, and drug store.

My one friend is totally losing it. She had a horseless horse show in her yard, did a video and posted it on Facebook. She got all dressed for a show, including her number. She took her silk flowers and made a course out of them. Did simple changes, and even threw in a kick or two. So I commented on her slipping into the abyss of insanity, that I was starting to worry about her. Then I proceeded to tell her that I would have that horses back checked for pain because of him throwing a kick. At this time I decided that I was slipping with her for making that comment. Once an instructor, always an instructor.

But getting down to hard facts, this virus is causing us to lose track of what necessary care our horses do need. My neighbor is putting off having her horses feet done, because her farrier has contact with his granddaughter. I must admit I had doubts about getting my horses their flu internasal last month. That is one thing I have to hold them for. I can’t blame them, I hate nasal spray myself. But I promised my vet that I wouldn’t breathe on her if she didn’t breathe on me. Farrier comes on Monday, and boy do they need it, spring has sprung on their hoof growth.

Yes I’m concerned. I wear my mask and gloves shopping. Pre-order and pay for my grain over the phone, then just back into the loading dock and let the boys load the truck. Wait a couple of days before I unload it.

I will wait, probably another month or two, to have their teeth done, but I’m not going to hold off on any shots that may be due , or having their feet done. I do have to drive into the small animal vet for meds for the dog and cat. I feel like I’m preparing to go into battle.

I had a friend call yesterday because her neighbor had a cow down. The owner called around and they told her that they are booked for two to three weeks. The cow will be dead by then. I gave her my vets number. Don’t know if it’s already too late.

God did not give me a spirit of fear, but I do have to make wise choices.

Try to laugh as much as possible. Don’t dwell on things you can’t control. And if you have to, try advancing toward flying changes from simple changes, you certainly have the time.

Stay safe. Hang in there we can do this.

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