“The Lump”

Lumps, we all hate them.  They stir terror into the hearts of many.

Are they tumors?  Cancer?  Or as a teenager, the start of a Zit on the most important date in the history of man (or woman).

My granddaughter came out of the bedroom early one morning with the biggest Zit I have ever seen.  I tried to make light of it and said Wow!  That’s the greatest Zit in history.  She left the room mumbling about what a rotten grandmother I was.  I was just trying to make her laugh.  Didn’t work.

But lumps are not something to take lightly, and they certainly should not be ignored.  Not on a person, or an animal.

Will someone explain to me why with all our technology that more people and animals are not only contracting cancer, but they are dying of it?  I really can answer that myself, I just don’t understand why we keep allowing it to happen.  We are poisoning our systems and our animals systems with preservatives, hormones, and chemicals that are in our food, air, and water.  Even if we choose organic, it’s still infected.  The sad thing about it is, that it still continues.

I’ve recently had to deal with two lumps.  One on the side of my husbands nose, and a couple on one of the horses.  When they were first noticed, both the doctor and the vet said just keep an eye on them.  We did, and they grew.  So it was time for biopsies.  Both were cancerous, both were removed and hadn’t spread anywhere else.

Whites, greys, and I’ve been told, red horses are prone to cancer/lumps.  Even if you have a horse of a different color, check it out.  If your horse has a lump ask the vet to look at it.  They will tell you if it’s something to keep an eye on or not.  If they tell you to keep an eye on it, please do.  If you notice major changes (and they can happen fast) sound the alert.  Have it checked, removed, and go back to your normal life.  If you wait, it can spread, and then you will pay big time.  Financially, and perhaps with the loss of a life.  I know people who did not have it checked.  They didn’t want to mention that they had a lump.  They swept it under the rug, and hoped it would go away.  Sometimes little fatty tumors just do go away.  Sometime a more serious lump won’t.

Don’t take a chance with your life, or someone whom you love.  The sooner you check it out, the better chance you have of removing the possibility of it getting serious.

Don’t wait, act.

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