Want vs Need

God doesn’t give us want we want, He gives us what we need.  We may not see eye to eye on this, but in the end, He is always right.

Do we want to go to the dentist, no, but do we need to go to the dentist, yes!  Do we want a bigger TV, probably yes, but do we really need it, no.

I both wanted and needed eye medication for my horse.  I waited two weeks and still didn’t receive it,  then we ordered another one, and what was supposed to be a two-day delivery has now taken a week.  Last time this happened, my horse lost her eye.

We see things we want in life, but do we really need them?  Not usually.

What about our horses.  What do they want as opposed to what they need; and do we really know the difference, or more importantly, do we care?

When I was a kid, the barn I grew up at always had a radio playing.  The owner said that music soothes the savage beast, or in this case calmed the horses and gave them something to listen to when they were in their stalls.  I somehow don’t think that rock and roll is what, whoever came up with the savage beast thing, had in mind.  But as teenagers we really appreciated hearing all our favorites.  I used to always play music in the barn, but one day I noticed the horses didn’t appreciate my choice of music.  I put on the sound track from Phantom of the Opera.  As soon as those first notes played, they all went running out of the barn.  I got a good laugh out of it, but they weren’t buying into it.  Years later while I had music playing in the barn here in Florida, my vet said “why do you have music on all the time?”  I explain the savage beast thing.  He came back and gave me pause with his opinion.  “Horses don’t want to hear that kind of music, they want to hear the breeze rustle the trees, they want to hear the birds singing, that’s what gives them pleasure.  They want to hear the sounds on the wind, and what they may need to pay attention to so that they can flee from danger.”  I never thought of it that way.

So what else do horses really want.  Well they do want food and water.  They want a place to get out of the sun, wind, and rain.  The want a buddy.  They do want a grooming.  If you don’t do it, a tree, fence, or a buddy will oblige.  Do they need the Christmas decorations we find so cute on them, I don’t think so.  Do they need a saddle and bridle that fits properly?  That’s one of those want and need things.  Do they want a sheet or blanket.  Most times no, unless we trick their coats into thinking they don’t need more hair, or we shave them.  If they are young and healthy they can usually take care of themselves.  Although I sleep much better if they have their wardrobe.  Do they need treats, no, but do they want them?  Yes because we’ve spoiled them, and we love doing that.

Just a game to play with our minds.  The next time you go to buy something, or do something, ask yourself is this a want or a need, and how does my horse see it.  You’ll be surprised at the answer you might give yourself.  I guess the real question is does my horse want this, or is it just all about me?

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