What Is Your Teaching/Learning Style?

What day is it anyway? I can’t keep track anymore.

I know I’ve touched on this in part during some of the posts, but at breakfast it popped into my mind, so I thought I’d write about it (probably again).

We know that different disciplines require different styles, but did you ever really think about the why? Everything that’s done correctly in riding has a purpose.

There is the “stay out of the horses way” approach, and then there is a “protect yourself at all costs” approach. But there is also a time where it is required that you use both. People choose a method to what suits them whether it is right or wrong, or are they even aware of it.

I guess it first came to my attention when I was 16 and was giving a lesson. I had been taught the old Calvary style of riding and I had no idea, at that time, that there was anything different (other than Saddle Seat). At our barn you either rode Hunt (Calvary) or Saddle Seat. I was giving a lesson to a woman who was visiting from France. I told her “sitting up straight, look down over your knees, you should just see the tips of your toes.” Her reply was that she was taught that you should never see the tips of your toes. Really, I didn’t understand why back then. I simply responded that this is the way I’ve been taught to teach. She said, “okay” and we went on with our lesson.

Now that form of defensive riding, some call it Old English, does well for you on the Hunt Field, but not in a show ring.

Let look at a jockey riding in a race. Very short stirrups, up almost on a horses neck. The purpose would be to free up the horses back and hind end to give him less interferance so he can freely use his that drive to power himself forward with with greater speed. No restriction from the rider.

We’ve discussed before that to slow a horse down, you sit down and put your weight on his back. Simple thought. Lift up, give freedom of motion, sit down, restrict motion.

Then we move to Hunt Seat. Shorter stirrups, staying over the horses center of balance. Move your balance a little forward to allow the hind end to push off over a jump, but don’t throw your weight onto the front end or your horse will not be able to lift the front end to go over the jump or may hit the jump once in the air.

With Cross Country and Fox Hunting you need a combination of Hunt Seat and a more defensive style of riding. You are galloping over uneven ground. Jumping (sometimes) unknown obsticles. You really need to go from a forward seat to a “need to stay on this horse at all costs” seat.

Open Jumping is a very interesting part of the sport. You’ve got a shorter stirrup, and higher hands to keep the horses front end up and balanced. It takes a lot of guts to jump a wall that neither the horse or rider can see over. This takes trust on both parts. Of course it takes a team effort, but sometimes the horse is the best of the two partners, with the rider along for the ride. Sometimes the rider has a lot to do with getting the horse to the perfect spot for take off. But sometimes I watch the rider get in the horses way and mess them up. Once again you are lifting, freeing, and balancing.

Dressage is where it gets interesting. Everything you do is to influence the horses movements. You use all your aids to guide the horses individual body parts. They don’t call it Haute Ecole (High School) for nothing. Your legs, your back, your seat bones, your hands, your weight, even you head, your eyes, and shoulders all play a big part in your communicating to your horse. Since your legs speak volumes to your horse, your stirrups must be long enough to make contact where the instructions should be given. Your hands are also an important part of the communication and should be held quietly and accordingly.

Hands are very important in all disciplines. They control not only your balance, but also the horses. They should never interfere, but support and encourage.

Basically Saddle Seat, as with any other discipline, is to encourage and show your horse to the best of their ability. Using a longer stirrup, seated well on the horses back, you encourage your horse in the movement you are seeking. Hands are higher, to raise the horses front end, to show off his animated leg movements. They used to refer to them as the Peacock of the horse world.

The Ultimate Horse and Riding Style – The Beginner Lesson horse or Therapy Horse. They don’t care where your legs, or hands are. They are the Angels of the Horse Industry. They’ve taught us all to ride, and enjoy life. They don’t care where your balance is. They are a rock, and foundation under us. Patient, kind, gentle. We should all salute their lives and the blessings they impart on all of us, and are the supper star of our industry and hobby. This also goes for the Driving Horses that help people who are unable to sit astride.

We move to Western. Western was originally a working form of riding. You were working cattle, or spending many hours in the saddle. You must remember that your equipment, both English and Western, all had a purpose for your particular discipline.

On Western you had a place to secure your rope, latigos to secure your slicker, bed roll, saddle bags, and rifle. Initially you held your reins with your left hand leaving your right hand free to toss the rope onto a cow or calf (or run-a-way children). You ride with a little longer stirrup, still with a slight bend in your knee. This will give you balance and a way to brace yourself when needed. Since long hours are spent in the saddle, you need comfort, along with work-ability. Hands are always kind, never interfering. A good cow horse knows it’s job.

No matter what job your Western Horse performs you must always stay out of his way, very little contact with his mouth, being still as much as possible, using your balance, leg aids. and gentle hand signals to guide him or her.

I think you use more brain power in a Western Horses job than all the rest. Yes you have to learn your course in Jumping Classes. You depend more on your horse on the Hunt Field and Cross Country. You show off your horses more in Gated Divisions and Halter, but Western classes, except Pleasure requires more thought on both your part and your horses.

To work a cow, who is trying to outsmart you, is not an easy job. You’re dealing with three different brains and three different agendas. A good cow horse and partnership makes everything go smoother, but it’s still not easy to know what that cow is thinking or going to do at any given moment.

Personally I love watching the interactions between horses and their riders in all disciplines. It truly shows off the connection between horse and rider.

Yes I’ve had wonderful Hunt Horses who have saved my life many times. Yes I have watched many beautiful Hunter rounds. Yes I have watched Open Jumper Classes that take your breath away. Yes I have whooped and yelled while watching those Saddle Horses “Rack On.” I get excited watching a good Reining Pattern or Barrel Race. Love Pole Bending. I’ve lost money betting on the wrong horse at a track. It’s like picking the wrong line at the grocery store or at the drive through bank, it’s just what I do. But boy can I appreciate a good Cutting horse work a cow without interferance from it’s rider, and boy do I just love to watch a good Dressage horse with both the horse and rider smiling at the end of their performance. Did you ever watch a great pair of Ballroom Dancers? It’s the same thing. They are not only in perfect step, but they become one.

There are many differences in our styles of teaching, training and riding, but the one thing we all have in common is our love for these animals who bring so much pleasure to our lives. It will never hurt you to try other disciplines just to advance your knowledge, and look to see why others like their part of the sport. It’s like going to a buffet (not that we’ll be able to do that anytime soon, if ever again), it’s sampling the best that each horse and discipline has to offer. (I’ve said this many times.)

Well this got a whole lot longer than I thought it would be. Stay safe, we’re getting to the end (I think). Well hopefully the worse part is over. (Maybe). Make wise choices.

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