Who Are You?

I always think that I would like to be the person my dog thinks I am.  And sometimes I think I should be more like my dog.  Don’t you just feel so special when you come home, and your dogs are so excited to see you that they leap in the air with joy and happiness written all over their faces.  The tail is doing 90 mph, their whole body shakes and wiggles with excitement.  Even if you only went into the bathroom, they are just so happy you’re back.  (They also believe there is a back door in there, and that you are going to escape, never to be seen again.)  There are people in your life that would like that kind of welcome when they get home (maybe its you), now they may have you committed if you start wiggling and jumping (although young children do).  But you get the idea.  Sometimes we don’t even stop what we are doing, or look up, we just say “oh, your home, Hi!”  If your dog just picked up its head, looked at you, and went back to sleep when you came home, you’d have him to the vet immediately.  Where did we lose that childhood innocence and become boring adults?

Okay, now who are you to your horse?  Some horses are happy to see you and greet you with a nicker.  Most don’t even look up unless it’s feeding time.  Are you the person who brings treats?  Are you the person who brings feed?  Are you the person who grooms the itchy spots that they so love being scratched?  Are you the person who just pays the bills?  Or are you the person who rides the snot out of them on the weekends, and then doesn’t show up for a week until you do it again?

Seriously, who does your horse think you are?  Who do you think you are to your horse?  Are they the same person or do you both see things differently.  Are you the person who paints their hoofs with purple glitter or are you the person who, repeatedly, puts a dirty saddle pad on his back.  Now those are two extremes, but most of us fall somewhere in the middle.

Now let’s switch gears.  Who would your horse like you to be?  Different horses have different wants.  Some like the personal attention, and if they don’t get it they get really ugly.  Some horses don’t like being groomed at all.  They also get ugly.  Some horses like when you show up with carrots, and then wish you would just go away when the bag is empty.  Some just want to hang out with you for hours.

Have you ever really thought about any of this at all?

I had one horse who loved his job, and did it well, but he wasn’t the – lets snuggle and talk over our day together type.  When he was done, he was done.  He would take his carrot and leave.  But as I would walk away, feeling very rejected, I would peak over my shoulder and he’d be looking at me with his ears up.  I knew he loved me and I certainly loved him, but he wasn’t into one on one time after hours.  Now my Zoey loves just hanging out together.  Whether it’s just hanging out and watching life go by, or just standing with me as I give a lesson.  Friday on the other hand, loves being groomed and fussed over.  The more fussing the better.

They are all so different.  If you have more than one horse you may have to be a different person to each of them, but they will love you for attending to whatever their needs are.  They also know the difference between the stable owner that feeds them, and who their own special person is.

Since it’s still bad weather in most places, it gives you time to consider – who am I to my horse, and what does my horse really want from me?  You may be surprised at the answers you come up with.

I know I was not happy with the answers I came up with.  There just aren’t enough hours in a day to do the things you really want to do, are there?  So here goes one more New Years Resolution.  Quality time with my horses as individuals.

Your turn.

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