
Why? Why do some people just accept things without questioning why?

My horse is losing weight. Why not ask why? My horse is dropping grain. Why? My horses feet are always sore. Why? My horse is not shedding. My horse is shedding too much. My horse won’t walk in his stall at night. My horse won’t turn to the right. My horse won’t pick up his left lead.

You get the picture, but people just accept that it’s the way their horse is. WHY????!!!!

Oh my farrier is great. Really??? Why does your horse still have sore feet. Maybe because he trimmed him too short, or maybe because he took down his sole too much. Maybe he placed the nail in the wrong place again. Maybe your horse is standing on wet ground and his feet are rotting off. Hello! Is anybody home???

There are numerous answers to all these questions. Some may be simple and some may need some deep investigation to find out the answers, but there are answers.

As time passes we look at our animals and think, well they are just getting older. Maybe they are, but is there something we can do to help them ease the pain. Is there an underlying problem that we could treat but just never looked into it enough. Do we like our vet or our farrier and don’t want to change or hurt their feelings, but let’s get real, our horse is suffering because of it.

People amaze me. I hear things and just shake my head. What I would like to say is “What are you thinking?” They are not new to horses, but somewhere around the block they have lost all of their thought process.

Of course you always have the people who are told what to do, but just don’t listen to the people who are trying to help them.

If any of the above questions hit a nerve, find out why, and then do something about it.

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