Fact Or Fiction

When I was in Middle School (we called it Junior High back then), I worked in the Library. There was a Fiction section and a non-Fiction section. Now that never made sense to me. Why name one section False, and the other Not False? How about True and Make Believe? Whatever.

Paranoia is setting in here in Florida, and for that matter, many of the surrounding states. Horse slaughter has gotten everyone crazy. Oh it’s a fact, but now our imaginations are making us a nervous wreck.

People have always stopped by the wayside to let their little children look at the nice horsey. Now they are being met with a shot gun. People are buying expensive security cameras and other means of protection. We’re worried for our horses and now our dogs. One persons horse came in with a strange rope around it’s neck and her dogs with some holes in their bodies.

I must say that the county Sheriffs are taking more note of what’s going on, and now they are paying more attention to our outcries. They have asked people to take pictures and license plate numbers, and to report any suspicious activity.

In Tennessee someones horses came in all sliced up. Turned out it was a bunch of wild boars who messed with their horses. However, people have found strange ropes and lead lines, even in their barns.

There is a site on Facebook named “Keeping Florida’s Horses Safe.” People post photos and information of vehicles and people that they have caught on their property or surveying their property and horses. We, the horse people, are out there sharing information about what’s going on. It’s just a matter of time before someone is going to get shot.

There was a very informative article in the Tampa Bay Times. Thank you Jack Evans.

We need to be careful. Not only in protecting our horses but keeping ourselves, and others safe. I have Eagle watchers who come and sit on the road, taking pictures of the Eagles. They have been doing this for years, but now I’m uneasy about this too. I spoke to them the other day. It’s been the same woman for years. Now I’ve seen and older man with a beard. They don’t look like the type that would butcher a horse, but in this day and age, you just never know. I told her and her husband what was going on. She had no idea. She told me she would let her group know and warn them. She asked what she should do. I told her to speak with the neighbors and let them know who she was and what they were doing. They keep track of nests, the number of eagles and new babies. She was very appreciative of my suggestions and letting her know the problems we, as horse owners, were facing. She also was horrified at what has been going on.

So how do you separate Fact from Fiction? Who’s the bad guy and who is the person just letting their little children look at the horses? Why do we even have to deal with a situation like this? Originally it was just one or two men who were slaughtering and selling the horse meat in Miami. Now we are having several men and a woman being reported. We have pictures from security cameras, but no one can say who they are. This is not an isolated incident, it’s a ring of people.

How careful do we have to be? If we cry “wolf” too often are the local police still going to come? If we take these people out, will more follow? Our horses are not safe in the field or in the barn. What’s next?

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